社交ダンス アマルガメーション 008 ワルツ(Ballroom Dance Amalgamation Waltz)毛塚道雄組

社交ダンス アマルガメーション 008 ワルツ
(Ballroom Dance Amalgamation Waltz)
Michio & Motoko Kezuka Couple

Waltz Amalgamation
1 overturned natural spin turn
2 overturned turning lock
3 weave from pp
4 natural spin turn at a corner
5 turning lock to double cross (slow lock) and oversway
6 hover to pp
7 chasse from pp
8 natural pivot to hair pin at a corner
9 open impetus turn
10 promenade chasse with changing sway
11 quick open reverse
12 high hover
13 same foot lunge
14 type of open telemark
15 curved feather
16 chasse to right
17 travelling contra check
(chasse from pp)
(natural turn)
18 running spin turn at a corner
19 outside change ending in pp
20 wing
21 double reverse spin
22 throwaway oversway
(hover to pp)
(chasse from pp)
23 natural turn 1~3 to back whisk at a corner
24 fallaway natural turn (natural fallaway)

※ なお、レッスンの詳細を「558 社交ダンス ワルツ(Ballroom Dance Waltz)毛塚道雄組のワルツ(詳細)」で、抽出分を「514 社交ダンス ワルツ(Ballroom Dance Waltz)毛塚道雄組のワルツ」でアップしております。

